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Benefits of branded corporate gifts for boosting business

Benefits of branded corporate gifts for boosting business

Let’s begin at the very beginning. What’s a logo and why is it so important for a business enterprise?

A logo is the visual projection of your business. It represents your company’s services and values. In the words of Paul Rand, the man behind iconic logos like IBM and UPS, “Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” It is the image that inspires instant recognition, even when other mediums of communication are inaccessible to viewers.

Therefore when you customise corporate gifts with your logo, not only do you elicit excitement from the recipient for the swag received, but also ensure that they will forever associate your brand story with this set of goodies.

Direct Brand Association

A hamper of business gifts will always generate appreciation from the recipient, but over time the relationship of the gift to your business may fade away. This is a problem that’s easily resolved by opting for customised gifts instead of plain ones. When business gifts showcase your logo, the association between the two is an eternal one. No matter what the gifted object, the relationship between your business and the receiver is now cemented by the impact of this one small but significant logo. Impressive, isn’t it?

Greater visibility in the marketplace

Logos, on the virtue of being a visual medium, tend to leave a more memorable impression on viewers. You may not remember slogans, lines, or mission statements, but one look at the logo and chances are you will be able to identify the business. This is the power of a logo. When you customise gifts with your company’s logo you are automatically amplifying your brand’s visibility in the marketplace. This is lead generation, advertising and promotion all rolled into one little corporate giveaway.

Instant recall and in-built loyalty

Logos are a great identifier. It gives both clients and employees an immediate sense of familiarity. One glance is enough to establish a much sought-after connection. With clients, customised gifts are a great way to stay build recall. You become their go-to vendor because you’ve taken the time to foster this relationship. With employees, the logo gives them a sense of belonging and partnership. They are emotionally invested in the progress of the business and are motivated to do well.

A representation of appreciation

When you take the time to select and customise a product, it shows. This fact is not lost on your clients and employees. It is a mark of your attention and consideration. Your logo tells them this isn’t just a business gift for the sake of gifting. It is a token of the relationship you share with them. These positive emotions go a long way in nurturing your brand and in enhancing the reputation of the company in general.

Portability and reach

An excellent argument for investing in customised gifts showcasing your logo is ‘reach’. Once you add that very recognisable logo to a product and send it out into the world, everyone who comes across it is a potential client. As the product is used, carried, and shared, it’s mobile, traversing between closed quarters and public spaces, constantly broadcasting your message to a wide audience. Who needs that expensive hoarding in the downtown area when your logo on merch does an equally effective job.

As you draw up your corporate gifting strategy, remember Genesis Gifts is your one-stop shop for all business gifts and corporate giveaways. As the leading gift suppliers in the UAE we are happy to curate unique and memorable customised gifts for your business, ones that will create an impact and leave your clients and employees delighted.

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