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Boost your business with branded corporate gifts

Since marketing and branding are key ingredients for growth and success, businesses are constantly on the search for impactful, cost-effective avenues to promote their brand.

One such approach is through the targeted use of customised gifts and promotional products. A recent study notes that physical tokens, such as gifts, create a stronger impact on the human brain. And when you add your logo and messaging to the merch, it facilitates stronger brand association.

Brand awareness and visibility

Promotional gifts are a canvas on which to market your products and services. From clients and prospective clients to employees and the general masses, these items have a vast reach, both in terms of numbers as well as demographics and that too at a fraction of the cost of conventional advertising.

Think about that customised gift umbrella you commissioned travelling across the city, broadcasting the carefully crafted message on it to everyone along the way, how valuable is that? Additionally, for those who avail of your offerings, these gifts serve as a reminder of services rendered and play a quiet role in their decision of continued patronage. For those who haven’t used your services, these products may prove useful in nudging them towards your brand instead of the competition.

Customer interaction and loyalty

Thoughtfully curated customised gifts are a great way to ensure both client and employee loyalty. Your gifts, which will be utilised on a regular basis will constantly drive home your brand message and keep it fresh in their minds. So the next time they are shopping in your category, they will likely default to your brand due to the connections you have so patiently nurtured.

Generating leads and making sales

Ditch the stale old routine of chasing potential clients in the hopes of making a  sale. Instead, opt for a distinctly modern and effective strategy of wooing said clients with cleverly targeted corporate giveaways. Nothing gets the job done like a bit of swag!

Unlike direct mailers and leaflets that are likely to be cast away, corporate gifts tend to be used and shared on a daily basis. This means your message is shared every day. Leads are constantly being generated through this exposure and even if a fraction of those are converted into sales, this exercise will prove to be a profitable one.

Moment advertising

We live in the information age. Each and every one of us is constantly bombarded with a large amount of data that our short attention spans can’t process. In such an environment, it takes topical and creative communication to catch the spotlight. Personalised gifts—think stickers, coasters, caps, cups and more—are a perfect medium for this form of messaging. It’s quick, effective and has an impressive reach, allowing you to make a bigger impact than is conventionally possible.

Stand out in the crowd

As we mentioned before, customised business gifts tend to have a wide reach and amplified visibility. This helps your brand establish a recognisable identity. As people keep seeing your logo, the quicker they associate it with the services you offer. With these promotional products, you manage to stand out and make a statement. 

This, however, only works when you opt for quality in-demand merchandise. It’s important to pick the kind of products that remain in the rotation, being utilised and shared, generating leads and turning them into profits for your business. But how do you come up with these ideas? Simple, you get in touch with us at Genesis Gifts. We are an experienced gift supplier in the UAE and we’re never short of good ideas to share with you!

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